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How to Use Insurance Services How to Use Insurance Services 보험 가입하기 1. About Insurance (1) What are Insurance Services? We subscribe to various kinds of insurance in preparation for unexpected difficulties such as death, illness, disability, unemployment, or old age. Insurance is to pay a certain amount of premiums for the items you want to be insured for, and you will be paid the insurance money in the event of an accident... 2023. 1. 29.
Simple and Convenient Use of Payment Cards 알아두면 편리한 카드생활 Public Transportation Cards/National Happiness Card/Local-Currency Card Simple and Convenient Use of Payment Cards 알아두면 편리한 카드생활 Public Transportation Cards National Happiness Card Local-Currency Card (1) Using Public Transportation Cards In Korea, we usually use public transportation cards to avoid inconvenience of carrying cash to pay fares for bus, subway or taxi. In particular, you can use one transportation card to pay fares for bus, train, subway and highways .. 2023. 1. 25.
How to Use Payment Cards 카드 사용하기 1. Using Common Payment Cards (1) What is a Payment Card? There are many day-to-day situations in which you have to make payments. You can pay with cash, but we prefer to use a payment card in Korea. Using a payment card is more convenient because you don’t need to bother to carry cash with you, and you can avoid the risk of losing cash. In many cases, you may receive additional benefits such as.. 2023. 1. 25.
How to save at a bank in Korea 저축상품 이용하기 1. About Saving Money Saving money for unexpected events is not easy. The best way to save money is to make a savings plan and then save a portion of what you earn before spending it. This is because it is not easy to save a certain amount of money every month if you save the remaining money after spending. Since a free savings account which allows you to easily deposit and withdraw money at any.. 2023. 1. 25.
How to Pay Utility Bills 공과금 내기 / Paying Utility Bills on Giro Homepage 인터넷 지로로 공과금 납부하기 How to Pay Utility Bills 공과금 내기 (1) What is a Utility Bill? Utility bill refers to a statement of payment to be made for the electricity, water, and gas you consume at home. You have to pay for electricity, water and gas, etc. you consume every month. If you fail to make the payment by the due date, you may have to pay an additional fee (late fee), and if you miss your utility payments, your ele.. 2023. 1. 22.
Using Mobile Banking Services 모바일뱅킹 이용하기 / How to Copy a Digital Certificate from PC to Smartphone PC에 있는 공동인증서를 스마트폰으로 복사하는 방법 Using Mobile Banking Services Mobile banking refers to using banking services on mobile devices (smart devices) such as smartphones or tablets. In simple words, it can be described as internet banking on a smartphone. Through mobile banking, you can quickly receive most banking services such as account-checking, money transfer, payment of utility bills, as well as deposits and savings account, w.. 2023. 1. 22.
Banks Offering Foreign-Language-Supported ATMs and Internet Banking Services은행별 ATM, 인터넷뱅킹 외국어지원 현황 One of the difficulties faced by multicultural family members and foreign workers residing in Korea is accessing financial services and information - mainly due to the country-wise difference in terms of institutions, rules and practices, by its very nature. Nevertheless, there is no way to live conveniently without using financial services in Korea. 한국에 거주하는 다문화 가족이나 외국인 근로자가 겪는 어려움 가운데 하나가 금융생.. 2023. 1. 22.
Bank Phone Numbers for Customer Services in Foreign Languages 은행별 외국어 상담 콜센터 전화번 Woori Bank 우리은행 Phone No.전화번호 1599-2288 Languages Available 상담 가능 언어 English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek, Russian, Thai, Mongolian, Japanese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog 영어, 중국어, 베트남어, 우즈베크어, 러시아어, 태국어, 몽골어, 일본어, 캄보디아어, 인도네시아어, 필리핀어 KB Kookmin Bank 국민은행 Phone No. 전화번호 1599-4477 Languages Available 상담 가능 언어 English, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Khmer 영어, 중국어, 일본어, 베트남어, 러시아어, 캄보디아어 .. 2023. 1. 18.